
Knights of Columbus News

The Knights of Columbus fraternal year ended on June 30th and what a year it was! Our accomplishments could not have been possible without your help and generosity. Here are just a few examples:
• Baby bottles filled with coins, cash and checks allowed us to write a check for $5,000 to Gianna House who supports pregnant women and mothers who are at risk.
• The Lenten Fish Fry, with the help of many volunteers and our parishioners, was greatly successful and allowed the Knights to present the parish with a check for over $13,000.
• Over 1,000 coats were collected for kids and taken to Holy Trinity Church and the Capuchin Service Center for distribution to the needy.
• Money collected from the Tootsie Roll Drive went to (8) local organizations that support our special needs citizens.
• Proceeds from the Antonio Vittorini Memorial Pasta Dinner for Vocations provided tuition assistance for (8) seminarians and (2) sisters.

Knight manpower is required to make the council’s activities happen. We are happy to announce that the following men joined the Knights of Columbus or are Knights who transferred to our council this year: Steve Chaney, Sean Cooper, Dan Dilay, John Hanus, Bruce Hutcheon, Joe Klakulak, Gabriel Kozak, Isaac Kozak, Ted Lang, Franki Manni, Pietro Moceri, John O’Gorman, Jim Primeau, Colin Ritter, Fr. Peter Ryan, Michael Samulak, Dennis Schnabel, and Carl Sowerby. These men are making their presence felt and we will be looking for more like them in the coming year.

The Knights of Columbus at St. Therese would like to thank everyone for their support, and we look forward to working with you in the year ahead.