
Health Ministry

The mission statement of the Health Ministry of St. Therese of Lisieux is to assist our local faith community in their efforts to enable members of the congregation to live full, abundant, and healthy lives balanced in body, mind and spirit.

The St. Therese Health Ministry meets the first Tuesday of the month (except June, July, August and December) at 11:30 AM in the Resource Room. Any parishioner is welcome to join and share their talents!

Lead Parish Nurse:  Marilyn Cito RN (Lead): 586-254-4433 Extension #320,


Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Health Ministry of St. Therese of Lisieux is to assist our local faith community in their efforts to enable members of the congregation to live full, abundant, and healthy lives balanced in body, mind and spirit.

The St. Therese Health Ministry meets the first Tuesday of the month (except June, July, August and December) at 11:30 AM in the Resource Room. Any parishioner is welcome to join and share their talents!

Lead Parish Nurse:  Marilyn Cito RN (Lead): 586-254-4433 Extension #320,

Health Ministry:

The St. Therese of Lisieux Ministry is composed of several teams that respond to the needs of our parishioners and community. The Health Ministry is made of Nurses, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Social Workers, EMTs, and lay people who donate their talents, time and resources to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our parishioners. 

Health Teams:

Parish Nurse: Oversees and coordinates the Health Ministry teams/activities and is available to parishioners for health questions, referrals to church and community resources, and guidance to their physical, spiritual and emotional health.  Oversees medical events that take place at the church, the Medical Lending Closet, and facilitates/coordinates education and health activities for the parishioners. The Lead Parish Nurse can be reached at 586-254-4433 at Ext.#320 or via email at

Education: Health education classes/screenings are provided through the parish throughout the year. Educational lectures are offered most months immediately following the Rambling Roses meeting. Programs are   offered based on parish needs and requests. Parishioners are encouraged to communicate to the Health Ministry topics of interest. Additional non-medical educational events are offered throughout the year that pertains to the safety and interests of our parishioners and community. We offer education events on Elder Law, Medicare and Medicare Supplements, Crime Prevention and Fraud Victimization for Seniors, Veteran Benefits, Funeral Preplanning, and other relevant topics.

We also provide one-on-one health education, and health education brochures are available on the Health Ministry Bulletin Board or the Emergency Medical Supplies Alcove located in the Gathering Space. If you don’t find the information you need, please call or email Marilyn Cito at and we will mail it to you, or provide a website you can access. 

Education on medical topics of interest are published in the St. Therese of Lisieux Church Bulletin each week.

Medication Wallet Cards, Blood Pressure Record cards, Patient Advocate pamphlets, “Ask Your Doctor” Forms and Preplanning Your Funeral folders are available in the Gathering Space next to the Emergency Medical Supplies. Parishioners are encouraged to bring to take copies of these cards, forms and packets and to fill them out and bring to their Healthcare Provider, if applicable

Flu Shots and other vaccines: Offered yearly.

Health Screenings: Offered as needed.

Blood Drives: We host American Red Cross and Versiti Blood Drives five times per year and more often, if needed. Blood Drives are advertised in the Church Bulletin, online, and by email blasts.

Care Volunteer Team: Our Care Volunteers provide some of the services that the hospital and home visit team identify. Our Care Volunteers provide friendly visits, phone reassurance, minimal transportation, respite care for caregivers and prayer. Care Volunteers do not provide professional services; they are solely “neighbors lending a hand” to other neighbors. We always need people who are willing to assist with any of these services. You can help an hour once a year, or several hours, whatever your schedule allows. As our Health Ministry expands, this is one of our greatest needs. Contact Marilyn Cito at 586-254-4433, extension #320 if interested in volunteering your time.

Home/Hospital Team: The Home/Hospital Team receives referrals from home care agencies, case managers, physicians, Henry Ford Macomb Faith Community Nursing Network, community agencies, and other parishioners. We conduct assessments, coordinate care volunteers, make referrals, and follow up, as needed. The number of parishioner visits depends on our personal and work schedules. We need Registered Nurses or Social Workers willing to assess the parishioner and situation, and if possible, follow up with necessary referrals, coordination and surveillance. Training is provided for those volunteers who wish to assist with this ministry.

Blood Pressure Screening Team: Blood Pressure Screening readings are done at different events and educational offerings throughout the year. Wallet cards are provided to parishioners. Literature is available to parishioners, if counselling is needed. We are available to take blood pressure screenings to Rambling Roses members on the first Thursday of each month in the Social Hall. We encourage everyone to get their blood pressure checked at least once a year, and if you have hypertension, take advantage of our screenings at events. It is very important for you to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis. The parish nurse is also available to take blood pressures one on one when the parish nurse is on site.

Grief Ministry: The Grief Ministry provides emotional support to someone who has lost a loved one. Support is provided with phone calls, cards, and mailings, as well as accompanying someone to a support meeting and/or our annual Memorial Mass. We also provide a 9-week Grief Support Group Series a three times a year for those suffering a loss. A program, “Hope for the Holidays” is offered yearly in mid-November to help people through that difficult time of the year. Support is also provided to the grieving family during Saturday funerals. It is a ministry that provides emotional support to grieving members of our parish. The Grief Ministry is looking for compassionate volunteers who are willing to send a card, or help with a Saturday Funeral Service.

The Grief Ministry meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM in the Resource Room. For more information, or if you have any questions, please call Marilyn White-Kylmala at 586-850-5925 or email her at or Heidi Boccomino at 586-932-6392.

Medical Lending Closet: The Health Ministry maintains a medical lending closet available to all those in the community. We have wheelchairs, canes, walkers, bedside commodes, shower chairs, crutches, tub transfer chairs, toilet risers and other equipment. We also have disposable protective pads for the beds, disposable adult diapers, protein supplements, and other supplies. There is no charge for any of this equipment or supplies, and you can borrow the medical equipment for as long as you need it. Call Marilyn Cito, Parish Nurse at 586-254-4433, extension #357, to make sure we have what you need before you stop by to pick it up. If we don’t have what you need, we can give you the name of resources in the area that may be able to help you. Medical equipment and supplies are donated to our Medical Lending Closet to furnish this service. If you have equipment or supplies that are in good condition and would like to donate them before bringing them to the church, please contact Marilyn Cito, Parish Nurse at 586-254-4433 Ext. # 357 to see if those items are needed.

Emergency Medical Supplies: Emergency Medical Supplies are located in the Alcove in the Gathering Space. An AED, Trauma Kit, First Aid Back Pack, and Emergency Breathing Equipment Bag is located on the walls of the Gathering Space Alcove. Narcan is available in the First Aid Back Pack and in the Parish Office by the keys on the wall in a Red Metal Box. Medical Event Documentation Forms are contained in a binder for documentation of medical emergencies. Documentation of medical events is requested so the Parish Nurse can follow up with the parishioner/parishioner’s family.

Emergency Resources: A St. Therese of Lisieux Parish Response to Emergency Situations (PRES) Manual has been developed as a resource for staff, parishioners and community for emergent situations. This includes plans for evacuations, active shooter situations, bomb threats, severe weather conditions, fire and smoke emergencies, theft, pandemics, COVID 19 Screening, and medical emergencies. The manual is located in the Parish Office, the Parish Nurse Office and the Pastor’s Office. Medical Emergencies guides are located in the Social Hall, Medical Equipment Supply alcove in the Gathering Space and in the Usher’s room.

Meals from the Heart: Parishioners who have recently had surgery, are experiencing a difficult pregnancy, or who have lost a spouse or significant other, may request assistance with meals during this transition. Parish volunteers will prepare and transport two meals per week for 2-3 weeks to the parishioner. For additional information about the program, contact Mickie Wilson at 586-873-2081. To register for the program, please call the Church at 586-254-4433 extension 378.

Resources: The Health Ministry and/or Parish Nurse is available to parishioners and community to consult and distribute the names and contact information of agencies, community services, companies, resources available. This includes equipment, resources such as caregivers, counsellors, home care services and nursing homes, etc.

Support Groups/Classes:

MS Support Group: Meets the second Thursday of each month (no December meeting) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Education, speakers and discussion are provided during the session. Contact Renee Cannon at 586-303-7354 for more information.

AARP Driver Safety Program: Held two times per year. This is a 2-day class, 4-hour class. Class dates and times will be advertised in the Church Bulletin. This course is usually held in the Spring and Fall.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Classes): Family and Friends CPR classes and Healthcare Provider BLS CPR Classes are held at St. Therese of Lisieux Church and are based on the needs of the parish and staff.

AED and First Aid classes are provided to the parishioners, ushers and staff “as needed”. 

Grief Support Group: 9-week course held three times per year, usually in January, March and September,

Health Ministry Sponsored Exercise Classes:

Strength and Stretch Classes: Held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9:15 AM

Revised: 12/31/2024