Walking the Path: January 29, 2023 Published on February 1, 2023 I wrote about the real presence in the Eucharist last week. In that article, I talked about research that was done by Pew Research Center in 2019. In
Be the Sign Published on January 31, 2023 One of the greatest challenges of evangelization in the modern age is the reality that that almost everyone has already heard of Jesus Christ –
Musings and Messages: January 29, 2023 January 31, 2023 This week we continue to hear from the fifth chapter of Matthew. The passage immediately follows the Beatitudes and challenges us to be salt and
Commotio Cordis Published on January 31, 2023 If you are like a lot of people, you saw or heard about a young professional football player who suffered a cardiac arrest a few weeks ago on the
Attitude: Is There Room for Change? Published on January 24, 2023 He created us. He gave us life. He gave us Salvation… He also gave us free will so we could make our own decisions. Those decisions greatly
Musings and Messages January 29, 2023 Published on January 23, 2023 The second reading piqued my interest because in it Paul challenges us to be foolish. Or in other words, to be fools for Christ. The world likes to
Walking the Path Published on January 23, 2023 Today, as I conclude our discussion of the meaning of each of the four separate ways we experience Christ’s presence in the Mass, we’ll discuss
Musings and Messages January 22, 2023 Published on January 16, 2023 Today’s first reading echoes the reading from Isaiah which we heard on Christmas, although they are two different passages. The theme is that of
Walking the Path Published on January 16, 2023 Today, as I continue our discussion of the meaning of each of the four separate ways we experience Christ’s presence in the Mass, we’ll discuss
Building the Domestic Church Kiosk January 16, 2023 Today, the Church describes the family as a “domestic church,” saying, “The family is, so to speak, the domestic church. In it, parents should,