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Messages and Musings: March 26, 2023

We are the downward slope toward Easter. Traditionally, this week is called Passiontide and marks the beginning of the most holy time of the church year. The readings are preparing us to enter into the passion and death of our Lord. On this fifth Sunday of Lent we hear the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead which pre-figures Christ’s resurrection from the tomb. To be precise, Lazarus was raised from the dead but he died again probably several years later. In Jesus’ case, he was resurrected from the dead never to die again. Jesus died once for all.

When Jesus calls Lazarus forth from the tomb, he is restoring Lazarus to his sisters Martha and Mary. Jesus is also showing that, as the Son of God, he has power over life and death. However, Lazarus was still bound up by the burial cloths. Lazarus was still earth-bound until Jesus, through his own passion, death, and resurrection, opened for all of creation the gates of heaven.

Today’s reading challenges us to believe in the power of God. We are invited to profess our faith in the resurrection to new life as did Martha. We are called to affirm that with God all things are possible.
Use this week to make spiritual preparation for Holy Week and ask the Lord to free you from whatever holds you bound up, whether it is sin, addiction, fear, or anxiety. Invite the Lord to free you in order that you may become alive in Christ Jesus.

Next week begins Holy Week. We have Mass on Saturday April 1st at 4:30 PM and on Sunday April 2nd at 7:45, 9:45, and 11:45 AM (note the earlier time for the first Mass). Because we will be reading the Passion account, Mass will be a little longer than usual.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily