Faithful Resolutions Published on December 26, 2023 Many of us try to make resolutions at the beginning of a New year: healthier diet, an exercise program, spending more quality time with family,
2023 St. Therese of Lisieux Health Ministry December 26, 2023 The Christmas season always causes me to pause and reflect on the year past and the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Although there are so many
Walking the Path Published on December 26, 2023 Happy New Year! As you know from past bulletins, I don’t give up my “usual space” very often, but at this time of year, when making resolutions
Musings and Messages: December 24, 2023 Published on December 18, 2023 Happy 4th Sunday of Advent! This is the shortest fourth week of Advent in recent memory—less than 24 hours! So, what are we to conclude with this
Christmas Gratitude 2023 December 18, 2023 Gratitude at Christmas time is a great way to maintain physical and mental health. A study in 2008 found that gratitude boosts the
Walking the Path Published on December 18, 2023 I attended a seminar at Sacred Heart Major Seminary a couple of weeks ago, and the presenter said there is no known time in history when the world
The Meaning Behind “The 12 Days of Christmas” Published on December 18, 2023 You have all heard the song played many times, and most probably, you have sung it as well. But, have you heard about the Catholic roots behind
Musings and Messages: December 17, 2023 Published on December 11, 2023 The first paragraph of today’s first reading from Isaiah is often heard at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday. It is connected to the Gospel reading
Managing Anxiety and Stress During the Holidays December 11, 2023 Even though the holiday season brings joy and happiness to many, there are others where the holiday season causes grief, anxiety, depression and
Advent and the New Evangelization Published on December 11, 2023 We have all been challenged to pass on and proclaim the message of our Lord. In these troubled times, it is the job of all of us to bring about