
Musings and Messages: February 25, 2024

The second Sunday of Lent is often known as Transfiguration Sunday because of the scene described in today’s Gospel passage. Tradition holds that the apostles experienced the transfiguration of Jesus approximately 40 days before his death on the cross. Liturgically, the transfiguration is the pre-figuring of the glorification of Jesus, which happens after the Calvary experience.

But today’s readings also remind us of our future glorification. We are predestined for heaven, provided that we want to go there. God has prepared a place for us and intends to gather his chosen ones into his kingdom.

In this second week of Lent, we are well into our journey. We are looking forward to the feast of Easter, yet we know that a long road is still ahead of us. The challenge is to keep the faith. Paul’s letter to the Romans gives us hope that nothing can be against us when God is for us. God was for Abraham and Isaac, God was for the people of Israel, God was for Jesus, and God is for us. God wants what is best for us and desires that we follow the path of righteousness.

So we can say along with Peter, “It is good that we are here!” It is always good to be in the presence of the Lord. This Lent, avail yourself of the opportunity to place yourself in God’s presence whenever possible.

– Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily