
Teaching Holy Moments

Once we are positively changed by following through on our Holy-Moment goals, people may ask us how we did it and what made us more joyful. We can spread the idea of Holy Moments by explaining our experiences and telling our stories to others.

In his book Holy Moments, Matthew Kelly explains how a single action has multiple “ripple” or “domino” effects. Usually, we don’t imagine one small act being important, but it really is. These seemingly simple acts add up, and Kelly calls this process ‘God Math.’ If everyone teaches three people about Holy Moments, and, in turn, those three teach three more people, the results (in only 20 cycles) are amazing!

You teach 3 people: 1+(1×3)=4

3 teach 3: 4+(3×3)=13

9 teach 3: 13+(9×3)=40

And the process continues until we reach most of the world’s population in only 21 cycles!

1,743,392,200+(1,162,261,467×3)=5.2 billion

Now, if you are a mathematician, you may argue with the specifics, but, at the end of the day, there would be a lot more joyful people in the world than there are today.