
Spotlight on our Deacon Intern

Spotlight ministry on our Deacon Intern, Mark Sienkowski

Question: Tell us about yourself

I’ve always had faith and an intellectual interest in God. I grew up 1 of 11 kids in a Catholic family and graduated from the U of M with studies in Math, Science, and Physics. Then I married my high school girlfriend, Carol. We are now married 40 years and have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. My jobs were working in Computer Science, and then as a Solutions Architect. As of June 4th, I am now retired.

Question: What are some of your favorite books?

In the early 80’s I started reading books by Catholic authors. One of my top 5 books is Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton. The story is about an adventurer (the author) who searched for wonder and understanding in his life. In the end he realized that what he was looking for was already there all along. This is a lot like a faith journey. It often takes you full circle.

Another one of my favorite writings is our Archbishop’s pastoral letter, Unleash the Gospel. It came out at the right time for me. It calls for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit to transform our diocese. My calling to the diaconate is a result of this movement.

Question: Who is your favorite saint?

St. Mary Magdalene is my favorite saint. She was always there—at Jesus’ feet, at the cross, and always present listening quietly to what God wanted her to do. She taught me to be humble, be with God, and just listen.

Question: What is your favorite prayer?

One prayer that speaks to me is Thomas Merton’s Prayer of Abandonment.

Question: What motivated you to where you are today?

After our children grew up, my personal relationship with the Holy Spirit grew as well. In 2015 I went to an Apologetics conference at St. Cyril, learned about St. Paul Street Evangelization, picked up a brochure, and dove into training online with 25 joy filled people from all over the country through the AOD (Archdiocese of Detroit). I had never experienced faith this way. I was able to help people encounter God without debates or obstacles. My eyes were opened. I found my connection praying to the Holy Spirit and attending events such as ALPHA. I also began to share my faith more at work.

Question: Do you have anything else you would like to share?

Lastly, I would like to share an approach to evangelization. God has put this on my heart. “If you really want to know me, you have to share me”.