
Spiritual Messages from the Garden: Small Spaces

Lots of folks enjoy gardening.  You have probably walked through some gardens of a friend, a relative or on a City’s Garden Walk where you were awestruck by the size and beauty of their gardens.  Perhaps your thoughts were that you could never do all of the work to create such a beauty.  Maybe your thought was that you don’t have the space because you have a small yard or, perhaps, just an outdoor balcony or window box.  However, the lovely pot on your small balcony can bring you a joyful daily moment while you tend to it and watch it grow.

Similarly, you may have considered what you can do to bring this vast world closer to Our Savior, Jesus Christ.  You are merely one small person in a world of 8 Billion people.  But, we must remember, that Our Lord knows each and every one of us. He watches us reach out to others to proclaim His work by what we say, how we say it and how our actions reflect His teachings.