
Musings and Messages: October 1, 2023

First of all, happy feast day of our Patroness, St. Therese of Lisieux. This year, we celebrate the 150th anniversary of her birth. I encourage all of you to read the wall inscriptions and look at the pictures depicting the life of this wonderful saint and doctor of the Church.

The second reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians sums up the life of our patroness. St. Therese was humble and always pointed the way to Jesus. Because of her “little way,” millions of men and women have come to know our Lord and, more importantly, have learned to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

I encourage you to re-read Paul’s letter and use it as your prayer for this week. Instead of seeking out praise and glory in this life, allow the Lord to exalt you in the next.

When we come to know the Lord, we no longer say that “the Lord’s way is not fair.” Instead, we learn to convert our way of life so we can do the Father’s will in all things. When we learn to follow the little way of doing all things for the Lord and seeking not our own glory, then we will be able to fully embrace God. May we have a change of heart, like the first son in today’s parable, and learn to do what God asks of us. But like St. Therese, may we learn to say “yes” in all things and follow through in order to enter eternal life.

Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily