
Musings and Messages: November 12, 2023

Is our soul truly thirsting for God? In other words, do I seek after God’s wisdom? In today’s world, many people are afforded a lot of attention. They are called “influencers” who “guide” us on what kind of music we should listen to, how we should dress, what we should have in our home, etc. These people seemingly exercise great power and prestige, especially among those who want to be with the “in” crowd. But are these people truly “wise?” Do they ultimately help us to be better people?

Jesus invites us to seek wisdom that will have a real impact on our lives. We are called to be prepared for any eventuality, especially when preparing to meet the Lord. A wise person reads the signs of the times and tries to discern the hand of God at work. A wise person doesn’t follow the latest fad but holds onto what is true, holy, and healthy. A wise person has hope and does not give into despair when times get tough. Finally, a wise person puts God first and knows God’s presence in the world.

As we approach the end of this Church year, let each of us strive to be wise in the Lord and let the Lord influence us as to what is truly important for lives in this world and the next.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily