
Musings and Messages: May 7, 2023

In today’s Gospel, we hear the famous saying, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” But do we really make Jesus the center of our existence? Too often, we rely on things of the world to give us satisfaction. We seek after other ways to give us peace and contentment. But do they really?
Many people turn to yoga or exercise or meditation to “center” themselves. And for some this may work, but I notice that eventually the things of the world fail to satisfy. Ultimately, it is because human beings crave relationships. Even hermits have a relationship with God. Those who try to go it alone end up feeling empty or lost. This is because as humans we are social beings. We need a relationship with someone else to complete us. However, as Christians our faith teaches us that this other person is God.
Human relationships only go so far. At some point, they will disappoint or breakdown or leave us wanting more. With God, the relationship is real because it is based on total unconditional love. Humans want a “give-and-take” experience. God on the other hand, only gives. God doesn’t expect anything from us other than love. He doesn’t force us to do anything. He invites us to do what we need in order to grow closer to him. God has prepared a place for us and all he wants us to do is follow him.

Are we centered on God as the way, the truth, and the life of our lives? Have a great week!