
Musings and Messages: May 28, 2023

With the solemnity of Pentecost, we conclude the Easter season. For fifty days we have been celebrating that great moment of our salvation when Jesus rose from the dead. It is also the remembrance of the great event of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles which gave them the courage to leave the safety of their house and go out into the world proclaiming the Gospel in every language. This feast also commemorates the birth of the Church and the Gospel message was preached to every creature and nation.

The Pentecost sequence which is sung prior to the Gospel reading is also sung prior during the ordination ceremonies of deacons, priests, and bishops. It was also sung during the coronation of King Charles III. It is an ancient hymn called “the Golden Sequence” because the text praises the Holy Spirit and invites the Spirit to come down upon us as it did two millennia ago.

We hear once again the text from John’s Gospel in which Jesus gives the power to forgive sins in his name to the apostles gathered on Easter Sunday evening. In short, the readings for today’s liturgy remind us of how vibrant and active the Holy Spirit is in our lives.
This week pray to the Holy Spirit and ask him to re-infuse you with the gifts you received at your baptism and confirmation. Allow the Spirit to use you as an instrument of Gospel proclamation. As Bishop Schoenherr used to say, “Go, and may you be disturbed by the Spirit.”

This week, please remember those who died in service of our country as we commemorate Memorial Day.

There are many activities planned for the summer. Take an opportunity to participate as you are able.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily