
Musings and Messages: May 14, 2023

This week we hear Jesus telling his disciples that he will be sending them an Advocate “to be with you always.” This Advocate is the Holy Spirit. It is the same Spirit of God that blew over the waters in the creation story found in Genesis. It is the Spirit that rushed upon David and the prophets. It is the same Spirit that we receive at baptism and confirmation. It is the Holy Spirit that guides our conscience.

But do we acknowledge the Spirit working in our lives? Do we pray to the Holy Spirit and ask for Spirit’s help? Do we invite the Spirit to be a part of our decision-making?

Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to his followers to be with them and us until the end of time. While Jesus departs from this world physically, he remains with us sacramentally in the Eucharist and the Word. The Holy Spirit helps us to interpret the teachings of our Lord and invites us to use our gifts and talents for building up God’s Kingdom. Above all, the Spirit challenges us to love as Jesus loved.

During these next few weeks, I encourage you to deepen your devotion to the Holy Spirit and ask the Spirit to give you a heart that sees the world through God’s eyes and hears the world through God’s ears. Ask the Holy Spirit to enable you to cry out to God with joy in order that you may proclaim the Gospel to every creature.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily