
Musings and Messages: March 17, 2024

“Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” At my father’s funeral, a young Muslim girl wandered into the church and asked a friend of mine similar questions: “Is Jesus here? Where is he?” My friend, a theologian, wondered how she should answer. “Well, Jesus is in the tabernacle; he’s in the Word; he’s in the gathered assembly; he is present everywhere.” The young girl really believed that, somehow, Jesus himself was in the flesh in that building. And isn’t that the way it should be?

When someone wants to see Jesus, shouldn’t they see him through us? Shouldn’t the Son of God reflect everything we do and say? Isn’t that what we believe as Catholic Christians? If we want people to become Christian, shouldn’t we be Christ-like?

Now, perhaps I’m being too dramatic or expecting too much. After all, Jesus was perfect, and we are not. But if we want people to become joyful missionary disciples, shouldn’t we be one ourselves?

If you want someone to join your social group or club, shouldn’t you be a good representative of it? So, too, it is with our faith. We want to be the best representatives of Jesus so that others want to be like him, as well.

This week, ask yourself, “Do people see Jesus in me, or do they ask me to help them find Jesus?”

– Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily