
Musings and Messages: June 25, 2023

Recently CNN posted an article about the most dangerous time in America is at 11 AM on a Sunday morning. In other words, the time when many people go to church. The article cited church shootings and deranged people rushing the pulpit. The author gave examples of churches hiring security firms to guard people and how we need to be even more vigilant. The article is a subtle attempt to dissuade people from attending church because of a possibility that something bad will happen.

But what do we hear in today’s scriptures? “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” In other words, we should pay more attention to what God thinks and does than what humans think or do. St. Paul reminds us that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. What happens here on earth is transitory.

Yet how much energy do we expend on trying to please people? We strive to be popular. We worry when people ignore us or fail to invite us to events. We become anxious when we are left out of social groups. We feel a need to belong somewhere.

Jeremiah reminds us that the Lord is with us even when our friends fail us and denounce us. God is always with his people. And that should give us great hope. We certainly do not want violence in our churches or schools or malls. We certainly need to be vigilant and take precautions. But we cannot live life in fear of what may happen.

Our faith teaches us that God is in charge and if God cares for a sparrow, how much more does God care for you? Jeremiah experienced great hardship and betrayal in his life, yet he still knew that God was with him. Do we do the same?

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily