ArticlesMusings and Messages

Musings and Messages January 22, 2023

Today’s first reading echoes the reading from Isaiah which we heard on Christmas, although they are two different passages. The theme is that of light. When we are walking in darkness or gloom, we need light to see: otherwise we will trip and fall. As Christians however, the danger is not from physical tripping; rather, we are continually in danger of falling spiritually.

The light in today’s scripture passages reminds us that Christ is our true light. We need to see the world through the eyes of faith. Christ illumines our hearts and minds so that we can more clearly see what God has in store for us.

Yet even though we have been enlightened by Christ, we sometimes allow the world to cloud our perception of reality. We become enamored with things of the world or with personalities which lead us away from our faith. We may get caught up in following the latest fad or trend which then leads us away from God. That is what was happening in first century Corinth. Paul warns his fellow Christians to keep their focus on Christ. That warning still holds true today.

This week allow the light of Christ to help you to focus your mind and heart in order to be united with God. Ask the Lord to assist you in fostering unity and peace in your families and workplaces. Above all, let the invitation of Jesus to “come after me” echo in your lives so that all that you do may bring about the presence of Christ and challenge others to follow him.

There are many events planned for the winter season. Please take a look at our parish website and bulletin for more information.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John