
Musings and Messages: February 4, 2024

When we are working (or going to school), the days can drag on and as Job says, become “a drudgery.” However, as one ages, the days, weeks, and years seem shorter and time passes quickly. We never seem to have enough hours in the day to accomplish all of our tasks.

If you are like me, a calendar or planner, as well as “to do” lists, become the norm. I am constantly revising my task list as priorities shift throughout the day. It seems like my work never gets finished. I’m sure that Jesus must have felt the same way as he was inundated with people clamoring for his attention. Even when he tried to get away for a few hours, his disciples “pursued” him in order to get him back to work.

If we spend so much time and energy on mundane (albeit necessary) tasks, how much time do we spend on living out the Gospel? Do I make the Gospel a priority on my “to do” list? Is living the Gospel one of my daily tasks? Or have I relegated the Gospel to going to church on Saturday or Sunday for 45 minutes a week?
Is the Gospel something that I merely read or hear or do I truly attempt to live each and every day?

– Msgr. John