
Musings and Messages: April 23, 2023

Today’s responsorial psalm is “Lord, you will show us the path of life.” This sums up Jesus’ earthly ministry. During his time with the disciples, Jesus showed them the path to God, that is, the path of life. While they did not always understand why or what he was doing, they knew that he had the words of everlasting life. Despite their misgivings, they stayed with Jesus and journeyed throughout Israel with him.

After his resurrection, the eyes of the disciples were opened. They understood more fully who Jesus was and how they were to participate in his ministry. Today’s Gospel reading is an account of what happened on the evening of the resurrection. Here we see how the disciples were once again being educated and formed by Jesus in order to prepare them for their future role and proclaimers of the Word. Jesus broadens their horizons so that they can embrace the mission that lie ahead.

When we pray psalm 16, do we intend to follow the path of life? Is our prayer valid and true? Do we listen to the counsel of the Lord? Do we rejoice in the Lord? Do we delight in his right hand?

The disciples were shaken by the passion and death of the Lord. They were scared. Yet as the reality of the resurrection sank in, they become more embolden and enlivened to go and live the teaching of Jesus. They began to see the world through the eyes of faith which caused them to see Jesus in all things. Does our faith afford us the opportunity to recognize Christ in the world around us?

Please join me in congratulating those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, April 21st. May they always be “disturbed by the Spirit” as Bishop Joe Schoenherr used to say in order that they will continue to make the world a better place.

This coming Saturday April 29th our second graders will be receiving their First Holy Communion. May the Body and Blood of Christ continue to enliven them on the path of life.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily