Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, and while the focus is usually on Jesus the Good Shepherd, let’s take a look at what it means to be a good sheep. In today’s account, there is a contrast between the hired hand and the shepherd. The person who works for pay generally has no investment in the flock. However, the shepherd is invested, taking a personal interest in the sheep. The sheep also have a role in the relationship: they are to listen to the shepherd’s voice because they know that the shepherd cares for them. The shepherd is their advocate, their guide, and their protector. They will do everything to ensure the safety and survival of the sheep. In turn, the sheep must put all their faith and trust in the shepherd.
For us, this means becoming a true child of God, which entails listening to, following, and living out the Lord’s commands. How well do we do this? Do we take the risk to be true children of the Lord by really listening to and following God’s commands? Or do we try to circumvent (or even deliberately disobey) God’s directives?
As we continue to celebrate the Easter season, may each of us strive to be a better child of God by following the Good Shepherd in word and deed.