
Musings and Messages: November 5, 2023

How wide is your phylactery?

First of all, phylacteries are two small square leather boxes containing slips inscribed with scriptural passages and traditionally worn on the left arm and on the head by observant Jewish men. The implication behind having larger phylacteries is that the person had a closer relationship with the scriptures. An analogy today would be someone carrying around their bible everywhere to be seen for show. Second, is our faith real and active or is it merely a decoration?

In these last few weeks of the Church year, the scriptures invite us to reflect upon how we present our faith to the world. Do we truly live our faith or is it something that is a fashion accessory? I notice a number of people who wear the rosary as a necklace or have it hanging from their rear-view mirror in the car instead of keeping it in their pocket or purse. If the visible presence of the rosary reminds the person to pray, then great. However, if the rosary is regarded as merely a piece of jewelry, then the person has missed the point.

Please understand, Jesus was not trying to be critical of outward demonstrations of faith and nor am I. Rather, what Jesus said to his followers and his listeners is that the walk should match the talk or in baser terms, one’s faith should be actively lived in secret as well as in public and that our relationship with God must be real and not merely for show.

This week reflect on how you live your faith. Is it only for people to see? Or do you do things to truly give God praise and thanks?

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily