
Msgr.’s Musings & Messages (1-8-2023 Epiphany)

Although Valentine’s Day candy is already on the shelves, we are still celebrating Christmas. In fact, the Christmas season doesn’t officially end until tomorrow, January 9th, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. However, some communities still keep the tradition of celebrating Christmas until February 2nd, Candlemas Day or the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. In any case, the meaning of Christmas—God becoming flesh and dwelling with us—should be observed every day of the year. God became one of us to show us how to be like God.

Today’s celebration is a reminder that Jesus was not just for the Jewish people. God intended to spread the Good News over the whole earth. The Magi represent the nations of the world to which the Gospel was preached. We are called to be the Magi who seek out the Lord and once we have found him to take that Good News to whomever we meet.

May 2023 be a time of blessing for each of us as we strive to be more open to the Holy Spirit who has made us into God’s sons and daughters. May we seek out the Lord in all of our endeavors and then have the courage to proclaim the message of salvation to everyone we meet.

Thank you to all who helped to make the New Years’ Eve party a success. Thank you especially to Rebecca Poupard for her vision and creativity in bringing this event to fruition. Also thank you to all who worked behind the scenes to decorate and prepare the hall as well as all of those who attended.

On Sunday January 8th at 3 PM, the choir will be presenting a Christmas/Epiphany concert. Please plan to attend and celebrate the end of the Christmas season.
There are many events planned for the winter. Please look at the bulletin and website for further details.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John