
“Messages from the Garden: Seeds”

Seeds are the epitome of new life and hopefulness.  Interesting that each seed needs to reach down into the darkness before it reaches up to the light as new life begins.  Soon after a seed is planted, tiny roots begin to branch out to absorb nutrients that will nourish the plants growth.  Without these nutrients a plant will wither and die.

Similarly, we all begin life as tiny seeds in the darkness of our Mother’s womb.  We also begin to search for nourishment by branching out so that we can flourish.  This need for nourishment continues after birth-the need to be held, loved, fed and cherished.

God asks us to reach out to others with love, support, caring and kindness.

Today is a perfect day to thank your Mom, or anyone else, who blessed you with these “nutrients”.

Happy Mother’s Day from the Evangelization Commission!