ArticlesMusings and Messages

Messages and Musings: March 5, 2023

“Lord, it is good that we are here” is Peter’s response to the transfiguration experience on Mount Tabor. However, most of us will not have experience the Transfiguration or any kind of surreal moment in our lives. Most of us live a mundane, ordinary, everyday existence. Let’s face it, if they made a TV show about my life, it would probably be cancelled by the second week.

Yet, it is good that we are here—wherever “here” is. Because God is there. So each day should be a transformational moment for us in which we try to see God at work. Wherever we are, there should be room for God as well.

Every moment of our lives, every breath we take, should be an opportunity to encounter God in some way. But do we recognize God in the everyday? Do we make room for God in our “busy” lives? Although our lives may be boring or repetitive, we should try to discover our Mount Tabors within them. Do we see God in our family, our co-workers, store clerks, or restaurant servers? If we don’t, we are probably not looking hard enough.

This week, ask the Lord to help you to see his presence around you so that you can say alongside of Peter, “Lord, it is good that we are here.”

We had a very successful fish fry this past week. Thank you to the Knights, Ladies, and all volunteers for your dedication and hard work. Please continue to join us every Friday during Lent.

We have Stations of the Cross every Friday of Lent at 7 PM. Each week a different person or group will be the leader. Come join us as we pray the Way of the Cross and immerse ourselves in the journey of Jesus to Calvary.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily