
He Has Risen

An Easter Blessing, a few Faithful Facts and a Prayer to share at your Easter meal…

Easter is the principal feast of the Ecclesiastical Year.  We acknowledge that we are sinners and have been saved by His Grace.  We also acknowledge that He died so we could live.  Easter falls between March 22nd – April 25th.  It is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.

There are many stories as to where the word, Easter, comes from ,but the most likely is from the Christian designation as in albis (Easter week), a Latin phrase that was understood to be the plural of alba, meaning dawn.

Easter is more than a memorial to Christ, who died for our sins.  It is a celebration of thanks for the greatest gift mankind could have ever received:  the gift of Eternal Life with our Heavenly Father, who teaches us about LOVE.

An Easter Meal Prayer

Lord, we thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ to us.  We recognize that He is alive in us today.  We Gather at this special meal in His name, together with our guests, and give you thanks for our many Blessings.  We pray together to unify our family and friends, our country, our church and our world so that we may all take part in bringing Peace on Earth.

May we all be reminded of the Goodness in our lives and the faithfulness in our future.

 The Evangelization Commission wishes all of you a Blessed Easter!!