Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Many of us know this prayer from our youth and/or having prayed it often. And many of us have gotten out of the habit of reciting it before meals.
Why do we say grace at meals?
Giving thanks: The word “grace” comes from the Latin phrasegratiarum actio, which means “act of thanks.” Saying grace is away to give thanks to God.
Asking for a blessing: The grace prayer before meals asks God for a blessing.
Expressing gratitude: The grace prayer after a meal is a prayer of thanksgiving for the good things God has given and an intercession for those who have helped.
Remembering that food comes from God: Saying grace before meals is a way to remember that it was God who provided the meal.
Protecting food: The prayer blesses the food with a seal of protection.
An act of faith: Reciting the prayers before and after meals is an act of faith pleasing to God and a sign to others we are with that we believe in God and his blessings.
At this start of the Lenten season lets challenge ourselves to say grace before meals throughout Lent.