When you hear the word “evangelization,” you might picture people knocking on doors, holding bibles, and trying to convince you through fear or pressure. We get it—that’s not exactly the most inviting image! At St. Therese of Lisieux, our approach is entirely different, and we’d love to share it with you.
We’re not the kind of group you’ll find standing on busy streets with alarming signs, shouting, “Repent! The end is near!” Instead, you’ll find us at welcoming places like the St. Vincent de Paul store on Schoenherr Road. There, we set up a cheerful table offering rosaries, medals, and prayer cards. If someone shares a prayer intention, we take a moment to listen and pray with them; it’s all about connection and kindness.
At St. Therese of Lisieux, we’re a family of faith, and evangelization is about bringing that sense of belonging to others. Our committee focuses on helping people connect and grow in their spiritual journeys, starting with simple acts like learning each other’s names. That’s why we host events like Name Tag Weekends, Christmas in July, Welcome Bag announcements before Mass, Christmas Caroling, and Intercessory Prayer. These activities are designed to help people feel at home, meet others, and deepen their relationships with God.
If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, we’d love for you to join us! Whether you’re interested in becoming a member of the Evangelization Committee or just volunteering for a specific event, please call the parish office at 586-254-4433. Then, one of our committee members will happily reach out to share more details. Or better yet, let’s meet after Mass sometime and chat for a few minutes—we’d love to get to know you!