
Couple Prayer Series

  • April 20

Thursday, April 20 at 7:00 PM

$45 per couple

Our special “Couple Prayer Series” offers married or engaged couples a unique chance to experience first-hand why couples who not only attend church weekly but who pray together on a daily basis have a divorce rate of less than 1 divorce in every 1000 marriages.

Six Thursday sessions, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., beginning Thursday, April 20 at St. Therese.

As one young husband said, “I really came because my wife asked me to, and it was with reluctance. But by the sixth week I felt closer to God and my family than I ever have before.”

Register in the Parish Office or click the button above.

“Our Couple Prayer Series had over 100 couples from different age groups with various levels of exposure to praying together, from zero to daily. Overwhelmingly, they not only found it to be helpful, but in probably half a dozen cases, it was instrumental in preventing the couples from getting a divorce.” Rev John Riccardo, Pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Plymouth, MI