Connecting Point

Connecting Point Dec 18, 2022

“Big things.” Those two words together can sound intimidating. “Big things” can make us anxious and even cause us to question ourselves.

Can you imagine how Joseph must have felt? The angel Gabriel came to him and said “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife, into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.” Mt 1:18-24

When I pray on this, I think of the angel’s request as more of a “calling” to Joseph. The word “calling” comes from the Latin “voc,” or sense of vocation. Joseph was called
to be the husband of Mary and to care for the baby Jesus.

The Gospel this fourth week of Advent is very personal to me this year. Not only am I continuing Diaconate formation, but Bernadette and I were “called” to be parents this past year. I can’t imagine how Joseph felt, but I can tell you I sure was anxious and
overwhelmed when I found out that the Lord was blessing us with a baby. Bernadette and I prayed and asked God for strength and reassurance.

What are some lessons we can learn from Joseph? First, we can respond to God’s “calling” in our life. Jesus waits today to step into our hearts and to change us with the beauty of God’s love, kindness, mercy and compassion. Second, we can trust in God to get us through the anxiety. Instead of relying on ourselves to handle “big things” solo, let us be strengthened by talking to God in prayer. Finally, we can be a
Christmas gift to others. We can love one another, have faith in one another, believe in one another’s dreams, and support one another through the “big things.”

– John Kovacik, RCIA Coordinator