Congratulations to all of our First Holy Communicants
Carson Anderson
Jackson Bell
Jackson Biehl
Gianna Bono
Lauren Bryant
Gabriel DeBord
Taylor DeBord
Audrey Gipp
Maverick Gonzales
Cora Haupt
Landon Kless
Aria LoVasco
Robert (Jack) Lynch
Roman Martin
Olivia McCulla
Aria Monahan
Paul Munya
Brooklyn Neill
Marcello Onweller
Domenico Palazzolo
Eric Patterson
Connor Priester
Chase Richardson
Parker Sam
Luke Smith
Aela Stratton
Greyson Thomas
Valentina Tocco
Veroncia Voss
Oliver Wilk
Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist You left us the outstanding manifestation of your limitless love for us. Thank You for giving our children the opportunity to experience this love in receiving the Sacrament the first time. May your Eucharist presence keep them ever free from sin, fortified in faith, pervaded by love for God and neighbor, and fruitful in virtue, that they may continue to receive You throughout life and attain final union with You at death.