
sorted from newest -> oldest


September 14, 2023

A lecture on Medicare and Medicare Supplements will be presented by Patricia Ostroske, a licensed agent at Medicare Assurance. Patricia will be


August 11, 2023

Please help us support the kids in Pontiac and surrounding communities through Catholic Charities La Casa Amiga program with new backpacks and school


August 5, 2023

Join us for Deliciousness on the go after the 4:30 Mass. GoCheez aims to provide a unique take on the classic grilled cheese with a modernized


August 3, 2023

Please join us in the Social Hall from 11:00am-12:00pm for an informational lecture on Parkinson’s Disease. A speaker will be joining us from


July 30, 2023

St Isidore will host with DHHS Oakland and DHHS Macomb County a free funday event for all parishioners and their family and friends. Foster Care


July 22, 2023

Join us for some Mexican cuisine after the 4:30 Mass as we welcome the Tacos La Familia food truck. The trucks will be parked onsite offering tacos,


July 9, 2023

We would like to invite our family of parishes and community to come and enjoy food from around the world at St. Francis-St. Maximilian from 12:00


July 6, 2023

The St. Therese of Lisieux Health Ministry will be hosting a presentation on fall prevention, balance Issues and strengthening exercises at


June 22, 2023

Attention High School teens. Please join us for a full day at – Cedar Point- Sandusky, Ohio. Bring your friends, it is open to teens ages 14 -17,


June 17, 2023

Join us for some French cuisine after the 4:30 Mass as we welcome food trucks salée (Steak Frites and Poutine) and sucrée (mobile dessert parlor).


June 14, 2023

Assembly No. 2599, the Patriotic Degree of the Knights of Columbus, will hold their annual Flag Retirement Ceremony at St. John Vianney, 54045


June 7, 2023

We will host Macomb Prosecutor Peter Lucido who will present an educational lecture on Fraud Victimization from 12:00pm-1:00pm. The discussion with


June 1, 2023

Attention High School teens! New opportunities for faith, fun and friendship. As the young church today, learn why the Faith is relevant, how to


May 24, 2023

What will you teen do this summer to build confidence, have fun, and grow faith through friendship? Come and learn about the Summer Youth Series on