Musings and Messages: June 25, 2023 Published on June 19, 2023 Recently CNN posted an article about the most dangerous time in America is at 11 AM on a Sunday morning. In other words, the time when many people go
Walking the Path Published on June 19, 2023 As summer gears up, and my focus shifts, I find that I’m often looking for slightly different modes of prayer or spiritual enrichment. More time
Spiritual Messages from the Garden: Falling Rain Published on June 19, 2023 We all know that in order to have a successful garden, we need water; the best kind of water is in the form of rain. Rain brings to the plants
Musings and Messages: June 18, 2023 June 12, 2023 We’re back to the green. Following the great seasons of Lent and Easter and the two Solemnities of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi. On this
Walking the Path Published on June 12, 2023 It is so very common to hear folks say that, since Vatican II, religious formation classes “haven’t taught anything,” or to hear an exasperated
June is Men’s Health Month Published on June 12, 2023 June is designated as National Men’s Health Month and the reason I like to promote this initiative is because men are not always good at practicing
Congratulations to all graduates! Published on June 12, 2023 Congratulations and Blessings to all who graduated from high school or college. We wish you well and pray for you as you move into the next chapter
Spiritual Messages from the Garden: Small Spaces Published on June 12, 2023 Lots of folks enjoy gardening. You have probably walked through some gardens of a friend, a relative or on a City’s Garden Walk where you were
Why is youth ministry important to all parishioners ? Published on June 6, 2023 Nowadays teens participate in activities that for the most part require performance. Often teens feel they are being evaluated, compared, ranked, and
Walking the Path June 5, 2023 Last week, I started a conversation about funeral music and leaving a lasting mark in the world. As part of that conversation, I noted that the