
AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)

Have you ever noticed the AED in the Emergency Equipment Supplies area in Gathering Space while passing on your way into our Church? Do you know what this piece of equipment (AED) is used for? Just a couple of weeks ago, we used our AED during an emergency situation and it worked beautifully!  If you have not noticed it there in the past, I urge you to take a couple of minutes to check it out on your way into or out of church. You never know if someone in church or taking part in a social event might need one!

AED is a shortened term for an automated external defibrillator.  An AED is a small portable device used to correct abnormal activity in the heart by delivering an electrical shock to certain cardiac rhythms. The device analyzes the heart rhythm to determine if the rhythm can be corrected by defibrillation. If the rhythm is shockable, the machine will deliver a shock. If no shock is needed, it will tell you that, as well.

Although an AED is very easy to use, I thought I would take a few moments to tell you a few things about our AED. If there is a medical emergency and an AED is needed, open the metal case it is enclosed in. A loud alarm will sound once the door is opened, but that is “ok”. It will let others in the building know there is an emergency and to call 911. Take the AED out of the secured metal enclosure and open the AED lid.  All you need to do is hit the “on” button, and the AED will then voice-instruct you to do the rest. It will tell you to perform a series of instructions by talking to you the same way the iphone’s Siri talks to you. All you have to do is listen and follow the instructions. If you can do that, you can successfully help save someone’s life by listening and following simple step-by step directions from the device.

AED’s are frequently placed in public areas such as sports venues, shopping malls, airports, airplanes, businesses, convention centers, hotels, schools and doctors’ offices in case of emergency. AED’s should be located in any public or private place where large numbers of people gather or where people are at high risk for heart attacks.

AED’s should be used on victims “at risk” of sudden cardiac arrest. You do not need to be trained, licensed, nor certified in any way to be able or eligible to use this device, but it is very helpful if you have been trained.

Our St. Therese of Lisieux Health Ministry members have been trained on our AED and we have provided training to staff, other ministries, the ushers, and the K of C. Whenever we teach a CPR class, AED training is included. We have also placed two short instructional videos of the AED on the St. Therese of Lisieux Website, under the Health Ministry tab. If you have some time, I would recommend you watch them. They demonstrate how to use the AED and addresses some common questions people may have regarding the use of the AED.  On October 15, 2023, Sunday, from 1:00pm-3:00pm, we have scheduled a Family and Friends CPR class, which demonstrates how to perform CPR, and use an AED. Details about the program will be published at a later date.

You never know when an emergency might occur and you might be in a situation where you can help save someone’s life!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Marilyn Cito RN, the Parish Nurse at 586-254-4433 Extension #320.