
Musings and Messages: December 3, 2023

Today we begin a new liturgical year using the cycle B Sunday readings. Most of the Gospel passages will be taken from the Gospel of St. Mark which is the shortest of the Gospels. Mark could be likened to Sgt. Friday from the old TV show “Dragnet” who was fond of saying, “Just the facts ma’m, just the facts.” Mark relates events from the life of Jesus without much embellishment; whereas the other Gospel writers like to offer details and anecdotal references.

Today’s passage is no different: The focus is on the word “watch.” We are told to be vigilant and watch. Since we do not know the time nor the day of the Lord’s coming, we need to be always on guard, but more importantly, to be doing the tasks we have been assigned.
In other words, we need to be about the Lord’s business; that is, living out the Gospel in our daily lives. During this Advent season, ask yourself, “How am I living the Gospel in concrete ways?”

There are many opportunities to further your spiritual growth this season. See the bulletin and website for the various activities here at St. Therese as well as in our Family of Parishes.

Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily