
Musings and Messages: August 6, 2023

Today’s responsorial psalm says, “The Lord is king, the Most High over all the earth.” Do we believe this? Or does something else take precedence in our heart?

The disciples were lucky to see Jesus in the flesh and Peter, James and John had the blessing of experiencing the transfigured Messiah on Mount Tabor so they certainly could put the Christ first in their lives. But even they had trouble at times.

We who have not had the benefit of seeing the Lord face-to-face perhaps have a difficult time making room for Jesus in our heart. We find it easier to put someone who is flesh and blood at the center of our thoughts. We may even spend more time with an inanimate object such as our mobile phone or car than we do with God. So how do we allow ourselves to be transformed by our encounter with the Lord?

This feast encourages us to put God first in our thoughts and minds. It challenges us to think beyond this present world and ask the question “what if?” What would happen if I put God first in my life? What would my life be like if I focused on the afterlife instead of the present? What could I become if I followed my dreams instead of doing what people told me I needed to do?

How will I be transformed this week by my encounter with God?

Msgr. John

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily