

Navigating one’s place within the community can be intimidating for young people, but joining a group that empowers youth and embraces all, can be the key to feeling more rooted in one’s faith. Youth Ministry serves as a space where teens unite to enrich their spirituality through prayer, engaging activities, discussions, and enjoyable experiences!

In the past year, we’ve dedicated ourselves to redefining the essence of Youth Ministry, and we’re thrilled to unveil our program to you. We understand that everyone has their unique approach to learning and forming connections.

That’s precisely why our new program unfolds in three distinctive parts. Whether you’re a thinke doer, or a game-changer, there’s a space for you to excel and evolve here.

Let us introduce the first of three parts. Immerse yourself in Message Nights, where we delve into the nitty-gritty – addressing your burning questions and delving into topics that pique your interest. It’s about delving into diverse viewpoints and experiencing those ‘aha’ moments in a manner that resonates with you.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks to discover more about our exciting new program “YTH”!