
We are the body of Christ

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi translates to “body of Christ.” As we celebrate this Solemnity, it is important to remember that we, the members of the Church, are Christ’s body. Since he resides in heaven, we are his hands, his feet, and his heart here on Earth. The work of the Church is ultimately up to us. Mass is an essential part of what we do as Catholics. Everything we do points to the Mass. It takes many people to assist in making the Mass available for the community.

Here at St. Therese, we boast a community of over 6,500 members. That’s amazing, especially in this day and age, when the Church isn’t important to everyone. As such a large community, it takes many volunteers to help it grow. If you already volunteer, we are so grateful and appreciative of the time you give to help our community flourish. If you are not a volunteer, we could really use your help to make our community that much better.

We currently need volunteers for altar servers (kids and adults), Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, ushers, and Mass coordinators. All of these ministries give you an opportunity to give back to God while you are already attending Mass. There is only a short training before you begin volunteering, but after that, you are already here at Mass, so why not get involved and enhance your experience and community? We need you!

If you would like to volunteer and have more time to commit, we have a thriving music ministry that could always use additional singers and instrumentalists. We also have a Eucharistic Revival Committee that plans worship-filled and education-centered events for our community.

Please spend some time thinking and praying about how you can get more involved. Your church needs you, your community needs you, and maybe you need this opportunity to help you in some aspect of your life. Giving your time and talent is a fantastic way to give back to God in thanksgiving for the gifts and blessings that he has bestowed upon you.

If you have questions or would like more information about the many opportunities available in our Worship ministries, please contact Rebecca Poupard (our music director) at