
Walking the Path

Can you tell me? How do I encourage an adult who has never taken an adult formation class in their own parish, or another, to consider taking one? It is an honest question, because every parish that I have ever known of has a similar situation: There are a handful of faithful adult formation attendees and, then, the vast majority of parishioners who wouldn’t even consider taking a class. The faithfuls are pretty consistent, attending almost every offering, so much so that I have heard them refer to themselves as “groupies!” Those groupies are the first to say, “Why aren’t more people here? Everyone should take this class!” I usually answer with a simple, “I don’t know.” What I do know, however, is that the best way to grow our own spirituality and understanding of Church teaching, along with spreading the faith and keeping our families faithful is by having the answers to questions about the faith, and having the ability to express what we truly believe. Having these skills requires preparation through learning experiences as an adult. However, those learning experiences don’t have to be in a classroom. On the contrary, there are many avenues for learning, including books, the bulletin, podcasts, homilies, and the like. Let me share a few examples.

The first learning opportunity that comes to mind is “Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year.” You are likely to have heard of it. This wildly popular recording can be accessed through your smartphone or other mobile device, as well as any other internet connection. Whether you choose to view it on YouTube, through Ascension Press, or through a podcast app, you’ll find a great way to accomplish something that is on many “bucket lists”, reading the entire bible. I wouldn’t split hairs. Whether you read along, or simply let Fr. Mike read to you, the result is the same. You are being exposed to the content of the entire bible. The reflections that Father provides are icing on the cake. For many folks, it is their first deep dive into scripture. If you often participate in bible studies, you’ll probably want more content than what is provided, but covering the entire bible has a great deal of appeal.

The next opportunity parallels the first: “Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Catechism in a Year.” In this podcast, Fr. Mike is reading through, and commenting on, The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). If you don’t already know, the CCC was first published in 1992 (1994 in English), when a group of cardinals and other bishops compiled this summary of the teachings of the Church on faith and morals. They did so at the behest of St. Pope John Paul II. Every Catholic should, at least, know that this book exists. Just like reading the bible, it can feel a bit daunting at times, yet it can also be very informative and inspiring through its generous use of scripture, quotes from saints, and other important Church writings. To listen, you access it in the same way as Bible in a Year. Also know, we are taking the time to discuss what we have heard through in person discussions on the second and fourth Wednesday (evening) and Thursday (morning) of every month. Call me if you’d like to join us, or if you have any questions.

These are just two of the ways that you can learn about your faith (mostly or all) in the comfort of your home. Next week, I’ll share a few more. Who knows? If you choose to participate in either one of these studies, or both, you might just have an answer for the men that knock on your front door, or the passenger sitting next to you on the airplane, as they ask you about your faith.