
Stations of the Cross

As we delve into the Lenten season, I wanted to share with you the many opportunities and variations of the Stations of the Cross that will be provided here at St. Therese of Lisieux. This year, we are offering traditional stations every Friday at 9 AM (immediately following daily Mass), as well as a different version presented at 7 PM. Here is the schedule for the evening and Good Friday Stations.

3/7 Traditional Stations
3/14 Stations led by the teens
3/21 Traditional Stations
3/28 “Love From the Cross” led by the music ministry
4/4 Traditional Stations
4/11 Stations led by the lectors
4/18 “Love From the Cross” led by the music ministry (12:30 PM)

I hope to see you at these various opportunities to pray and reflect on the Passion of Jesus Christ this Lent. Our world needs us to love more like Jesus, and what better way is there to learn how to love than by remembering that Jesus died for us?