The Marriage Ministry at St. Therese of Lisieux started in 2013. Over the years, we have been blessed to have the continued support of our pastor, our church staff, and our entire community. Our target group is any couple looking to enrich their marriage and build relationships with other married couples. Engaged couples preparing for marriage are also welcome at our events. We hope to intentionally strengthen and equip couples to have Christ-centered, satisfying, and long-lasting marriages.
Currently, five couples lead our Marriage Ministry. As a team, we work to strengthen and reinforce our Christian beliefs and grow as couples in our relationships with our spouses and Christ. We meet regularly to plan a variety of events that reinforce these values.
Our Marriage Ministry team invites you to join us at these events. Along with enrichment, there is always an element of fun included, which is so important to a healthy marriage! Currently, we are registering couples for a five-week series called Vertical Marriage, beginning on Thursday, Nov. 7. For more information, check out the parish bulletin or our web page, or call the parish office. We hope to see you there, as well as at the upcoming events!
“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love…they blossom when we love the ones we marry.” -Tom Mullen