
Spotlight on Lector Ministry

Have you ever thought about reading at mass? We are looking for people who would like to be able to proclaim the Good News during mass. Are you somebody who has that gift?

As per Britannica website ” lector, also called Reader, in Christianity, a person chosen or set apart to read Holy Scripture in the church services. Although formerly a minor order in the Roman Catholic Church, the office was named a ministry by Pope Paul VI in a motu proprio (initiated by the Pope without advice, effective Jan. 1, 1973) and was opened to laymen.

At St. Therese of Lisieux, lectors volunteer to read at a minimum of one mass, but sometimes a few masses each month. We are flexible and work with your schedule using signup genius for a three-month schedule. If you’re interested in becoming a lector, you will do an audition for us, and we will provide all the tools necessary to be successful. There is no formal training, we help each other to become better lectors or occasionally may attend a workshop as a group.