Safe Environments
St. Therese of Lisieux Parish follows the Archdiocese of Detroit guidelines and is committed to providing safe environments and fostering continuous improvement in every organization that sponsors activities and/or provides services to children and youth.To report abuse by clergy or church personnel, contact the Archdiocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (866) 343-8055. To report abuse by others at any time, contact government agencies through the department of Human Services (800) 942-4357.
Requirements of Parish Employees and Volunteers
Criminal History Background Checks – Anyone who may have contact with children, the elderly or persons with disabilities must submit to a bacground check before starting work or volunteer assignment.
Protecting God’s Children Workshop for Adults – Attendance is required within six months of hire or assignment date for anyone who may have contact with children.
Pastoral & Volunteer Codes of Conduct – Clergy, employees and volunteers are expected to adhere to the practices stated in the Code of Conduct applicable to their position.
Your Role in Safe Enviroments
As an employee or volunteer here, you play a vital role in creating safe environments for children, the elderly and persons with disabilities. To ensure the safety of everyone, especially those at-risk, we:
NEVER leave children alone in the classroom or on field trips.
ONLY MEET alone with a child in an area visible to others.
ONLY ALLOW children to be picked up by an authorized person.
ALWAYS monitor access to the building.
ARE ALERT to strangers hanging around the area.
CHECK secluded areas, bathrooms, etc.
EXPECT supervisors to look in on activities.
If you’re uncomfortable with a situation, or if you suspect abuse, listen to your instincts and take appropriate action:
* Talk directly to the person involved – not to other people
* Talk to the person’s supervisor
* Notify a principal, pediatrician, nurse, etc.