
Prayers for Our Environment

A couple of weeks ago, it was mentioned that Fish Tales would focus on our important responsibility to keep planet Earth a beautiful place to live. On a local level, of course, one of the simplest things we can do is keep things neat and clean around our houses. We can also lend a hand to neighbors, family, friends, and those in need. Try asking a grandchild to help with this important endeavor and rewarding them by making cookies together, taking a nature-focused walk in the park, or taking a trip to the movies. Most importantly, include a discussion regarding the importance of helping our environment and others in need.

On a much more global level, the ecological problems and viruses surrounding our planet are a product of our neglect. We must all spend time in prayer and forgiveness. We need to conduct research and spend time together if we are going to solve these issues. We must involve our youth and find ways to “give” to our environment rather than “take away” from it. One idea I came across is to offer Mass intentions for methods to help our environment. Let us pray for divine assistance in leading us to the right answers.