
Musings and Messages: October 13, 2024

The word of God is “living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword,” as the letter to the Hebrews tells us. But what does that mean? Well, a double-edged sword cuts both ways. Its blade is sharp on both sides and can do a lot of damage. A skilled swordsman, though, can use the blade to combat the enemy and, at the same time, protect himself.

However, someone not so skilled could hurt himself badly by misusing the sword. So, too, with God’s word. We like it when the word is spoken about our enemies, but we become uncomfortable when it is directed at us. The young man in the Gospel liked following most of the commandments, but when Jesus challenged him to give to the poor, he became sad. This is also true in our lives. Much of scripture is comforting; however, there may be an uncomfortable passage here and there that cuts us to the quick, really challenges our way of thinking, and possibly shakes us up.

This week, think about some of Jesus’ difficult sayings that cause you to have consternation or frustration. Ask yourself what is uncomfortable about those passages. Maybe God is calling you to get to know yourself better by spending some time in prayer with those passages.

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily