In today’s readings, two widows, who have very little yet are very generous, become examples of how God uses a small amount to show what can be done—a common message throughout the scriptures. The widow of Zarephath finds that her flour jar and oil jug never run out because of her generosity to Elijah. Jesus reminds his disciples that the widow’s mite is greater in the eyes of God than the money of those who have a lot of surplus.
When we are struggling, the first temptation is to withhold our generosity. We’re all familiar with the old adage, “Charity begins at home,” which is sometimes used as a pretext for saying “no” when we’re asked to give to one cause or another. While we need to be prudent when faced with financial struggles, we also need to remember that some are less well-off than we are. The stories of the two widows should challenge us to be generous even when we are not in the best of positions.
As we continue to remember and pray for our deceased relatives and friends, think about how generous they were with their time and talent, how they shared their love and experience, and how they were models of the Christian life. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for their presence in your life this week.