
Musings and Messages: May 26, 2024

We have entered the long season of Ordinary Time, extending from the Monday after Pentecost to the First Sunday of Advent. Yet, several important feast days occur on Sundays at the beginning of this season. Today’s feast of the Most Holy Trinity reminds us that God is one in three persons. God has revealed himself over time as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As such, God is a communion of persons, and we are called to imitate that communion by living in a community of faith.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit always act in concert. While one member of the Trinity may seem to be more prominent at any given time, our faith teaches us that the other two members are also acting. That is why, at the end of today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to make disciples in the name of the Trinity. We participate in the unity of God, especially when we observe God’s commandments and teach others to do the same.

May the Triune God continue to inspire us to act in community and love as he does to live as his chosen people.

Thank you again to the Knights of Columbus for their generosity to St. Therese parish by sharing the proceeds from their Lenten dinners with our parish. We also are grateful for the variety of things they do for our parish and community throughout the year.

On this Memorial Day weekend, please take some time to pray for all who have given their lives in defense of our country. May God bless them for their service and sacrifice.

We are now entering into the unofficial beginning of summer. There are many activities planned for our parish and Family of Parishes. Please participate as you are able.

This is Michigan, so our weather is unpredictable. Sometimes, the air conditioning is a bit cool, but unlike your homes, we cannot quickly adjust the thermostat to accommodate outside temperature changes. Plan to come to Mass wearing long pants and bring a sweater or hoodie in case it is too cold. Remember: you can always get cooler, but it is much more difficult to warm up after you’ve been chilled to the bone.