
Musings and Messages: May 19, 2024

Happy Birthday! Today is the birthday of the Church. It is the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and enabled them to proclaim the Gospel to everyone. At the Ascension of the Lord, the apostles were told to proclaim the Gospel; on Pentecost, they were given the tools to do so: the gift of language and the courage to go out into the world.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—help us conquer those passions and desires that cause dissension and discord in our lives. The Spirit challenges us to be people of peace and harmony. We are invited to be builders and creators. The Holy Spirit compels us to make the world a better place by seeking to change people’s hearts.

This Pentecost, ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you to be a better Catholic Christian. Invite the Spirit to come into your heart and transform you to be more like Christ in word and deed. As we celebrate another birthday of the Church, may each of us tap into our unique gifts and talents to participate in the renewal that the Lord is doing across the face of the earth.