
Musings and Messages: May 12, 2024

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord which marks the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. While he is no longer physically present to his disciples, they still perceive his spiritual presence and remember what he said and did during his time among them. His final commandment to his disciples to “proclaim the gospel to every creature” is given to us as well.

In our Family of Parishes, aptly named “Disciples Unleashed” we strive to proclaim the Gospel message in a variety of ways—in worship, in education and formation, in Christian service and charity, in engagement and in family ministries. The Gospel is not just one dimensional; rather, it is multi-faceted and is expressed in many ways. Certainly, we proclaim the Gospel formally through homilies and catechetical presentations. But it is also proclaimed informally by acts of kindness, charity, and service. The Gospel is also exercised when we have fun together at concerts and trivia nights and family festivals. Whenever we gather to celebrate our faith and our friendship as Christian men and women the Gospel is realized and Jesus is made present.

I encourage you to participate in the many events that are coming up during the summer throughout our Family of Parishes as well as around the archdiocese. Take advantage of the opportunity to exercise your faith and to share your experience of the Risen Lord.