
Musings and Messages: June 2, 2024

During this year of the Eucharist, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (also known as Corpus Christi) receives an added significance. Some studies have shown that many Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. They think that sacred elements are merely symbols of Jesus rather than his body, blood, soul, and divinity.

As Catholics, we acknowledge, believe, and celebrate that at Mass, during the invocation of the Holy Spirit by the priest (known as the epiclesis) and the recitation of the words of institution, ordinary bread and wine are consecrated to become Jesus Christ. Yes, the consecrated elements still look, feel, and taste like bread and wine, but their essence–their reality–has been transformed (transubstantiated) into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ himself. We then consume Jesus Christ, who physically becomes a transformative part of us.

How this transubstantiation occurs is a mystery. In fact, the early Church theologians just said, “It happens.” Later on, people wanted to know the mechanics of the process. The simple explanation is as above: The substance (essence or reality) changes, but the accident (outward appearance) remains. As Catholics, we believe this is a matter of faith, not science. We believe because of what Jesus said in chapter six of John’s Gospel. We believe because of our ancestors’ tradition from the past 2000 years.

In your prayer this week, ask the Lord to strengthen and deepen your belief in the Eucharist. Ask him to transform you and configure you to be more like Christ as you partake in the Eucharistic mystery.

To help us celebrate Mass more prayerfully, we need volunteers. Please consider joining us as a server, lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, usher, or sacristan. We are also looking for people to serve as Mass coordinators to ensure that every Mass has adequate liturgical ministers. Those of you who like to work behind-the-scenes and are creative should consider joining our decorating team. A few times a year, the team gathers to decorate the church for the seasons (Advent, Christmas, winter, Lent, Easter, Summer, and Fall), along with a few specific feast days. Even if you don’t have a creative eye but are good at product placement (i.e., moving), we could use your assistance. Please consider signing up for any of these ministries in the Gathering Space during June. If you have questions, please see Rebecca or me.

Congratulations to all who are graduating from high school, trade school, college, graduate school, or the military this year. May God continue to bless all of your endeavors and give you much success in your careers.