
Musings and Messages: June 16, 2024

Today’s Gospel passage comes from the beginning of Mark’s account of Jesus’ ministry and relates how Jesus spoke to the people in parables. Time and again, he wanted to impress upon his hearers that the Kingdom of God was not like the Roman empire or the Kingdom of Israel under David. Rather, God’s kingdom is all-encompassing and everyone is invited to be a part of it. It is inclusive rather than exclusive. But also, the Kingdom of God is a mystery. Things happen without people even realizing it because God’s ways are not the ways of human beings.

This is why Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is so important. It is often chosen to be read at funerals. As Paul says, we walk by faith and not by sight. We are called to trust in the Lord and to accept God’s will based on our faith rather than on human perception or scientific fact. There are some things that simply cannot be explained, yet we know them to be true and holy.

While we are here on earth, our task is to aspire to please God in all things and to invite others to experience the goodness of the Lord. When things are difficult, we rely on our faith and God’s promise to be with us always, knowing that eventually things will turn around and get better.

This week ask the Lord to assist you in having a deeper faith. Invite the Lord into your heart so that you can be an instrument of spreading the Good News.

Happy Father’s Day to all those men who serve in a paternal capacity. May God continue to bless you for all of your love and service in assisting people to grow and thrive as God’s children.
Thank you for all of your kind birthday and anniversary wishes last week.